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Dresses, Manners and Research

Dear Readers,

It is with great happiness I can state that my research books have come in handy! The dress you see is something I envision Emmaline wearing, her long blond hair swaying in the breeze as she sits outside in a garden. I am so happy that I am able to find dress references, ettiquette references, and few other things in mind for To Tame a Tigress.

Other than that, I have mostly been trying to keep the book from going too much over my page count...Which is rather hard to do, as there simply is so much to say. I know some of my readers don't exactly like the fact that the book is large- much like the first one- but as a reader of romance novels, I cannot tell you how many times I get angry over buying a book and only having it be 100 pages or perchance 140? I can read that in a night!

For me that is far too short of a book for my own personal tastes.

I hope you are doing quite well!


Amelia Clearwater

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